
CollegeCodeTypeCourse NameInstructorE-mailRequirement
Baruch CollegeCOM 3069CommunicationEMWA Intercultural CommunicationValerie Biwavalerie.biwa@baruch.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Baruch CollegeCOM 3069CommunicationEMWA Intercultural CommunicationGino Perrottegino.perrotte@baruch.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Baruch CollegeCOM 3069CommunicationEMWA Intercultural CommunicationElisabeth Gareisegareis@baruch.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Baruch CollegeCOM 3069CommunicationEMWA Intercultural CommunicationOksanna Reynoldsoksanna.reynolds@baruch.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Baruch CollegeCOM 3076CommunicationInternational CommunicationAllison Hahnallison.hahn@baruch.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Baruch CollegeECON 3250EconomicsInternational Economy and FinanceEdward
Baruch CollegeECON 3250EconomicsInternational Economy and FinanceJonathan
Baruch CollegeECON 3250EconomicsInternational Economy and FinanceChristine
Baruch CollegeECON 4150EconomicsThe Economic of International TradeBohdan Kukharskyy
Baruch CollegeART 1011ArtArt History Survey I Stephanie Huber Flexible Core - Creative Expression
Baruch CollegeART 1012ArtArt History Survey II Stephanie Huber Flexible Core - Creative Expression
Baruch CollegeCHI 3002LanguageUpper Intermediate Chinese Yijia Geng yijia.geng@baruch.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Baruch CollegeCHI 4171HistoryChinese Civilization Zhiqiang Yujzqyu@yahoo.comRegular Liberal Arts
Baruch CollegeCHI 4224LiteratureThe Contemporary Chinese Short Story Ping Xu Ping.Xu@baruch.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Baruch CollegeCHI 4224LiteratureThe Contemporary Chinese Short Story Guozhi Liugliu@bmcc.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Baruch CollegePAF 9436Political ScienceInternational Security and the Liberal World Order
Baruch CollegeCHI 4183CinemaChinese CinemaZhiqiang Yujzqyu@yahoo.comRegular Liberal Arts
Baruch CollegeCHI 4184CinemaChinese TV SerialsPing Xu Ping.Xu@baruch.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Baruch CollegeAAS 3170PhilosophyClassical Chinese Philosophy
Baruch CollegeCHI 4181LiteratureClassical Chinese Literature IPing Xu Ping.Xu@baruch.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Baruch CollegeCHI 4182LiteratureClassical Chinese Literature IIPing Xu Ping.Xu@baruch.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Baruch CollegeHIS 3170PhilosophyClassical Chinese Philosophy
Baruch CollegePHI 3170PhilosophyClassical Chinese PhilosophyRegular Liberal Arts
Baruch CollegeCHI 1001LanguageElementary Chinese IGuozhi Liugliu@bmcc.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Baruch CollegeCHI 1002LanguageElementary Chinese IIFeng Liangfeng.liang@baruch.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Baruch CollegeCHI 2001LanguageUpper Elementary Chinese IQiulei Hu qh147@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Baruch CollegeCHI 3001LanguageLower Intermediate ChineseYijia Geng yijia.geng@baruch.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Baruch CollegeANT 3180AnthropologyThe Religion of Everyday Life George GonzalezGeorge.Gonzalez@baruch.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Baruch CollegeJWS 3060MigrationImmigration on Stage and Screen Debra Caplandebra.caplan@baruch.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Baruch CollegeREL 3180Culture and HistoryThe Religion of Everyday Life George GonzalezGeorge.Gonzalez@baruch.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Baruch CollegeSOC 3180Culture and HistoryThe Religion of Everyday Life George GonzalezGeorge.Gonzalez@baruch.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Baruch CollegeTHE 3060MigrationImmigration on Stage and Screen Debra Caplandebra.caplan@baruch.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Baruch CollegeAAS 4900Political ScienceCapstone Course: Critical Issues in Asian and Asian American StudiesCharlotte BrooksCharlotte.Brooks@baruch.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Baruch CollegeENG 3940Cinema and TheaterTopics in Film Peter Hitchcock hitch58@comcast.netRegular Liberal Arts
Baruch CollegeHIS 1001Culture and HistoryThemes in Global History to 1500 C.E. Randolph Trumbach randolph.trumbach@baruch.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Baruch CollegeHIS 1001Culture and HistoryThemes in Global History to 1500 C.E. Nathanael Melsonnm800@hunter.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Baruch CollegeHIS 1001Culture and HistoryThemes in Global History to 1500 C.E. Anna Boozer anna.boozer@baruch.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Baruch CollegeHIS 1001Culture and HistoryThemes in Global History to 1500 C.E. Thomas Desch-Obiprofobi@gmail.comFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Baruch CollegeHIS 1003Culture and HistoryThemes in Global History Since 1500 C.E. Katherine PenceKatherine.Pence@baruch.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Baruch CollegeHIS 1003Culture and HistoryThemes in Global History Since 1500 C.E. Zoe Griffithzoe.griffith@baruch.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Baruch CollegeHIS 1003Culture and HistoryThemes in Global History Since 1500 C.E. Mark Rice Mark.Rice@baruch.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Baruch CollegeHIS 1003Culture and HistoryThemes in Global History Since 1500 C.E. Andrew Sloin andrew.sloin@baruch.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Baruch CollegeHIS 1003Culture and HistoryThemes in Global History Since 1500 C.E. Deborah Charnoffdcharnoff@gradcenter.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Baruch CollegeHIS 3430Culture and HistoryWorld War II: A Global History Thomas HeinrichThomas.Heinrich@baruch.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Borough of Manhattan CCASN 111Culture and HistoryChinese Culture and History Chang-Han Liucliu@bmcc.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Borough of Manhattan CCCHI 440LiteratureTwentieth Century Chinese literature
Borough of Manhattan CCHIS 115Culture and HistoryWorld History I Erik Freasefreas@bmcc.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Borough of Manhattan CCCHI 105LanguageElementary Chinese IChun-Yi Pengcpeng@bmcc.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Borough of Manhattan CCCHI 106LanguageElementary Chinese IIFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Borough of Manhattan CCCHI 200LanguageIntermediate Chinese IChun-Yi Pengcpeng@bmcc.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Borough of Manhattan CCCHI 210LanguageIntermediate Chinese IIChun-Yi Pengcpeng@bmcc.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Borough of Manhattan CCART 251ArtAsian Art HistoryYan Yang yyang@bmcc.cuny.eduFlexible Core - Creative Expression
Borough of Manhattan CCART 251HArtAsian Art History (Honors)Assimina Tsouti-Schillingeratsoutischillinger@bmcc.cuny.eduFlexible Core - Creative Expression
Borough of Manhattan CCASN 114ArtAsian American History (Same as HIS 114)Soniya Munshismunshi@bmcc.cuny.eduFlexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity
Borough of Manhattan CCASN 211MigrationAsian Americans in NYCFlexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity
Borough of Manhattan CCETH 125SociologyComparative Ethnic Studies (Same as SOC 125) Rigoberto Andinorandino@bmcc.cuny.eduFlexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity
Borough of Manhattan CCMES 160Cinema and TheaterWorld History of Animation Jennifer Hatchadorianjhatchadorian@bmcc.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Borough of Manhattan CCMES 160Cinema and TheaterWorld History of Animation Anna Pinkasapinkas@bmcc.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Borough of Manhattan CCMES 160Cinema and TheaterWorld History of Animation NaRhee Ahnnaahn@bmcc.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Bronx CCPEA 82Martial ArtsIntroduction To Tai Chi Chuan Luis Cortorrealluis.cortorreal@bcc.cuny.eduN/A
Bronx CCTHEA 70Cinema and TheaterIntroduction to Theatre Flexible Core - Creative Expression
Bronx CCART 12ArtIntroduction to Art History: Africa, the Americas, Asia, and the Middle EastNoelle KingFlexible Core - Creative Expression
Bronx CCART 12ArtIntroduction to Art History: Africa, the Americas, Asia, and the Middle EastAndrea Ortunoandrea.ortuno@bcc.cuny.eduFlexible Core - Creative Expression
Brooklyn CollegeCHIN. 1150LanguageChinese Calligraphy: History, Theory and PraxisHoward LiRegular Liberal Arts
Brooklyn CollegeCHIN. 1010LanguageElementary Chinese I
Brooklyn CollegeCHIN. 1020LanguageElementary Chinese II
Brooklyn CollegeCHIN. 1030LanguageIntermediate Chinese I
Brooklyn CollegeCHIN. 2021LanguageIntermediate Chinese IIYong
Brooklyn CollegeAMST. 3141MigrationAsian American History Regular Liberal Arts
Brooklyn CollegeCHIN. 1038LanguageBasic Writing and Reading Skills for Heritage Speakers
Brooklyn CollegeCHIN. 2030WLanguageAdvanced Language Skills II
Brooklyn CollegeCHIN. 3710PhilosophyPhilosophical Texts from the I Ching to Mao TseYong Huangyhuang@brooklyn.cuny.eduCollege Option - College Option
Brooklyn CollegeCHIN. 5070LiteratureTutorial in Literature and Culture
Brooklyn CollegeCHIN. 5084LanguageSeminar
Brooklyn CollegeHIST. 3458MigrationAsian American History
Brooklyn CollegeARTD. 3108ArtArt Of ChinaRegular Liberal Arts
Brooklyn CollegeARTD. 3105Culture and HistoryThe Development of the Silk Road Gilad BenDavid arthistory@gc.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Brooklyn CollegeCLAS. 1110Culture and HistoryTyranny, Democracy, Empire: Classical Cultures Katrina MooreFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Brooklyn CollegeMLAN. 2610LiteratureLiterature in Translation Bernardita LlanosBLlanos@brooklyn.cuny.eduFlexible Core - Individual and Society
Brooklyn CollegeMLAN. 2610LiteratureLiterature in Translation Bernd Rennerbrenner@brooklyn.cuny.eduFlexible Core - Individual and Society
Brooklyn CollegeTHEA. 4501Cinema and TheaterWorld Theater History I Alyssa Michelle HanleyRegular Liberal Arts
Brooklyn CollegeANTH. 1105AnthropologyComparative Studies in Cultures and Transformation Jessica Santosjessica.santos@brooklyn.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Brooklyn CollegeANTH. 1105AnthropologyComparative Studies in Cultures and Transformation Lindsay Parme
Brooklyn CollegeANTH. 1105AnthropologyComparative Studies in Cultures and Transformation Josue
Brooklyn CollegeANTH. 1105AnthropologyComparative Studies in Cultures and Transformation Talisa Feliciano
Brooklyn CollegeANTH. 1105AnthropologyComparative Studies in Cultures and Transformation Cassandra
Brooklyn CollegeANTH. 1105AnthropologyComparative Studies in Cultures and Transformation Marta
Brooklyn CollegeANTH. 1105AnthropologyComparative Studies in Cultures and Transformation Melissa
Brooklyn CollegeANTH. 3520AnthropologyLatin America Regular Liberal Arts
Brooklyn CollegeBUSN. 3150BusinessEthnic Marketing and Multicultural Business Michael Stone
Brooklyn CollegeBUSN. 3170BusinessInternational BusinessFarhat
Brooklyn CollegeBUSN. 3170BusinessInternational BusinessNakato
Brooklyn CollegeENGL. 3166LiteratureContemporary U.S. Women Writers: Diverse Cultural Perspectives Esther Regular Liberal Arts
Brooklyn CollegeENGL. 3240LiteratureGlobal Romanticism Albena Lutzkanova-vassileva albenalv@brooklyn.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Brooklyn CollegeENGL. 3288LiteratureGenre Fiction Martha Nadell mnadell@brooklyn.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Brooklyn CollegeMUSC. 3242MusicMusic History and Score Analysis II: Late 18th and 19th Century Alexandra Lewisalewis@brooklyn.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Brooklyn CollegePOLS. 7720XPolitical ScienceComparative Politics
Brooklyn CollegeWGST. 3115LiteratureContemporary U.S. Women Writers: Diverse Cultural Perspectives Esther Regular Liberal Arts
City CollegeASIA 20500Culture and HistoryContemporary ChinaLara Nettinglnetting@gmail.comFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
City CollegeARTE 3100AArtCritical Perspectives in Art Education
City CollegeASIA 20200Culture and HistoryContemporary Asia Lara
City CollegeASIA 31912Culture and HistoryChinese Culture Throughout East Asia Flexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
City CollegeHIST 32540Political ScienceWar In Modern East Asia
City CollegeCHIN 12300LanguageIntroductory Chinese (Mandarin) I
City CollegeCHIN 22600LanguageIntensive Intermediate Chinese
City CollegeTHTR 25300Martial ArtsTai Chi
City CollegeASIA 10100Culture and HistoryAsian Cultures and Peoples
City CollegeASIA 20200Culture and HistoryContemporary AsiaLara Nettinglnetting@gmail.comFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
City CollegeASIA 20500Culture and HistoryContemporary ChinaLara Nettinglnetting@gmail.comFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
City CollegeASIA 31912Culture and HistoryChinese Culture Throughout East AsiaDaniel JosephsonFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
City CollegeART 10001ArtIntroduction To Art For Honors Students Leah Abraha labraha@ccny.cuny.eduFlexible Core - Creative Expression
City CollegeFREN 40400Culture and HistoryFrance in the World: Empire, Colonies, Postcolonialism Amr Kamalakamal@ccny.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
City CollegeWCIV 10100Culture and HistoryPrehistory to 1500 A.D. Johnnie Wilderjwilder@ccny.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
City CollegeWCIV 10100Culture and HistoryPrehistory to 1500 A.D. Michael ThompsonFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
City CollegeWCIV 10100Culture and HistoryPrehistory to 1500 A.D. James Lepreejlepree@ccny.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
City CollegeWCIV 10100Culture and HistoryPrehistory to 1500 A.D. Nolan Flexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
City CollegeWCIV 10200Culture and History1500 A.D. to the Present Juliana NalerioFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
City CollegeWCIV 10200Culture and History1500 A.D. to the Present Hamideh Segdhi hsedghi@ccny.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
City CollegeWCIV 10200Culture and History1500 A.D. to the Present Ravi Kaliarkalia@ccny.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
City CollegeWCIV 10200Culture and History1500 A.D. to the Present Aaron Weinsteinaweinstein@ccny.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
City CollegeWHUM 10321LiteratureModern World Literature (Global English Literature, Honors) Michele Chinitzmchinitz@ccny.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
College of Staten IslandINT 230Culture and HistoryAspects Cont ChinaChao Liberal Arts
College of Staten IslandLNG 230Culture and HistoryAspects Cont ChinaChao Liberal Arts
College of Staten IslandCHN 405LanguageModern Chinese and Sinophone Literature Jean
College of Staten IslandPOL 256Political ScienceEast Asian Politics Ming XiaMing.Xia@csi.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
College of Staten IslandPOL 251Political ScienceInternl Pol EconomyRoshen Hendricksonroshen.hendrickson@csi.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
College of Staten IslandPOL 349Political ScienceComparative Human Rights Anat Niv-Solomonanat.nivsolomon@csi.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
College of Staten IslandCHN 112LanguageBeginning Mandarin Chinese IXiaoling Dongxiaoling.dong@csi.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
College of Staten IslandCHN 213LanguageContinuing Mandarin Chinese ITinny Laitinny.lai@baruch.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
College of Staten IslandCHN 215LanguageContinuing Mandarin Chinese IIYu-Tsui Lin yutsui.lin@csi.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
College of Staten IslandCHN 315LanguageLanguages in Contrast: English and ChineseChao Liberal Arts
College of Staten IslandLNG 315LanguageLanguages in Contrast: English and ChineseChao Liberal Arts
College of Staten IslandCHN 313LanguageAdvanced Communication Skills in Mandarin ChineseRegular Liberal Arts
College of Staten IslandCHN 114LanguageBasic Mandarin II Tinny Laitinny.lai@baruch.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
College of Staten IslandPOL 317Political ScienceRevolutions and Revolutionaries James Falkinjames.falkin@csi.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
College of Staten IslandENH 207LiteratureAsian Literatures Before 1900
College of Staten IslandAAD 225Political ScienceLiterature of Social Protest Anthony BongiornoRegular Liberal Arts
College of Staten IslandENH 225Political ScienceLiterature of Social Protest Anthony BongiornoRegular Liberal Arts
College of Staten IslandHST 233Culture and HistoryPirates in the Early Modern World: Diversity, Power, and Resistance Bryan Averbuchbryan.averbuch@csi.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
College of Staten IslandINT 200Culture and HistoryContemporary Global Issues Carmel Kooros carmel.kooros@csi.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hostos CCHIS 201Culture and HistoryWorld History to 1500 John Johnstonjjohnston@hostos.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Hostos CCHIS 202Culture and HistoryModern World History John Johnstonjjohnston@hostos.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Hostos CCLIN 105SociologyLanguage and Power Gail Augustgaugust@hostos.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeHIST 3412RPolitical ScienceModern China & the World: History of Chinese International RelationsRichard Belskyrbelsky@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeHIST 76809Political ScienceModern China & the World: History of Chinese International Relations
Hunter CollegePOLSC 25700Political ScienceGovernment and Politics of ChinaRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeHR 22044Political ScienceHigh Tech Totalitarianism: How China’s Orwellian Nightmare Impacts the International OrderMark ShulmanMarkRShulman@gmail.comRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegePOLSC 25800Political SciencePolitics of Climate Change Roger Karapinrkarapin@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeASIAN 21000MigrationAsians in the United StatesMeera Leeml6732@hunter.cuny.eduFlexible Core - Individual and Society
Hunter CollegeASIAN 21000MigrationAsians in the United StatesVivian Louievl923@hunter.cuny.eduFlexible Core - Individual and Society
Hunter CollegeASIAN 22100LiteratureIntroduction to Writing About Asian American LiteratureRebecca Qidwairqidwai@hunter.cuny.eduRequired Core - English Composition
Hunter CollegeASIAN 22100LiteratureIntroduction to Writing About Asian American LiteratureJackelyn Marianojmmarian@hunter.cuny.eduRequired Core - English Composition
Hunter CollegeASIAN 22500ArtAsian American ArtChristopher Lincl25@hunter.cuny.eduFlexible Core - Creative Expression
Hunter CollegeASIAN 22500ArtAsian American ArtMaya Jeffereismaya.jeffereis34@myhunter.cuny.eduFlexible Core - Creative Expression
Hunter CollegeASIAN 23001SociologyGlobalization and GenderJackelyn Marianojmmarian@hunter.cuny.eduFlexible Core - Creative Expression
Hunter CollegeASIAN 23002MigrationTopics in Asian American Society: Asian American Communities and Mental HealthMeera Leeml6732@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeASIAN 32001Political ScienceNation Self and Asian IdentityMaya Jeffereismaya.jeffereis34@myhunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeASIAN 33012Political ScienceAsian American Communities and Public PolicyChristopher Kwokck2237@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeASIAN 33014MigrationTheories and Methods for Researching Asian American CommunitiesLinh An la1092@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeASIAN 34001CinemaAsian Pacific American MediaAlison Parkap115@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeENGL 32354CinemaAsian Pacific American MediaAlison Parkap115@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegePOLSC 31733Political ScienceAsian American Communities and Public PolicyChristopher Kwokck2237@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeREL 25100Culture and HistoryAsian ReligionsMasaki Matsubaramm12406@hunter.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Hunter CollegeREL 32100Culture and HistoryBuddhismBenjamin Flemingbf701@hunter.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Hunter CollegeHIST 27800Culture and HistoryEast Asia, 1600 to the PresentRichard Belsky rbelsky@hunter.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Hunter CollegeHIST 11100Culture and HistoryWorld History to 1500Nathanael Melsonnm800@hunter.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Hunter CollegeHIST 11300Culture and History20th Century World HistoryManu Bhagavanmanu.bhagavan@hunter.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Hunter CollegeHIST 3411FCulture and HistoryCold War: Global HistoryElidor Mehillielidor.mehilli@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeHIST 3412RPolitical ScienceModern China and the WorldRichard Belsky rbelsky@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeARTH 26200ArtArt of East Asia: Ritual and ReligionWen Shing Chouwchou@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeENGL 32350LiteratureLiterature of Asian Diaspora: Nation, Self and Asian IdentityMaya Jeffereismaya.jeffereis34@myhunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeCOMPL 38166LiteraturePost Colonial Literature in English Nijah Cunninghamnc1076@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeENGL 32500LiteraturePostColonial Literature in English Nijah Cunninghamnc1076@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeMUSHL 10700MusicThe World of Music Farzad Amoozegar-Fassaiefa1944@hunter.cuny.eduFlexible Core - Creative Expression
Hunter CollegeMUSHL 10701MusicThe World of Music Jeff KuykendallFlexible Core - Creative Expression
Hunter CollegeMUSHL 10702MusicThe World of Music Maurice RestrepoFlexible Core - Creative Expression
Hunter CollegeSOC 21700SociologyRace and Ethnicity Calvin John Smileycsmiley@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeCHIN 11100Culture and HistoryChinese Culture 1#N/A qh147@hunter.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Hunter CollegeCHIN 40153LanguageChineseFang
Hunter CollegeCHIN 70100LanguageChinese Phonology
Hunter CollegeCHIN 70300LanguageChinese Orthography
Hunter CollegeTRNC 76500LanguageChinese
Hunter CollegeCHIN 30300LiteratureClassical Chinese Literature 1Fang Daifdai@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeCHIN 30300LiteratureClassical Chinese Literature 1Bo Haobhao@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeCHIN 30700LiteratureClassical Chinese PoetryFang Daifdai@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeCHIN 10100LanguageElementary Chinese ISsu - Fang Jessiesj2491@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeCHIN 10100LanguageElementary Chinese IWei-yi Chengwch0022@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeCHIN 10100LanguageElementary Chinese IMing-Ying LiML3917@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeCHIN 10100LanguageElementary Chinese IBing Ying Hubhu0002@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeCHIN 10100LanguageElementary Chinese IHongrong Chenhc1180@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeCHIN 10100LanguageElementary Chinese ICaroline Zhucz621@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeCHIN 20100LanguageIntermediate Chinese 1Caroline Zhucz621@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeCHIN 20100LanguageIntermediate Chinese 1Ming-Ying LiML3917@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeCHIN 20100LanguageIntermediate Chinese 1Bing Ying Hubhu0002@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeCHIN 20100LanguageIntermediate Chinese 1Hongrong Chenhc1180@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeCHIN 20100LanguageIntermediate Chinese 1#N/A qh147@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeCHIN 20100LanguageIntermediate Chinese 1Wei-yi Chengwch0022@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeCHIN 30100LanguageJournalistic Chinese Literature 1Ming-Ying LiML3917@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeCHIN 30100LanguageJournalistic Chinese Literature 1Bo Haobhao@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeCHND 74110TeachingPracticum in Chinese Grades 7
Hunter CollegeCHND 73100TeachingStudent Teaching In Chinese, Grades 7
Hunter CollegeCHIN 31600LanguageIntroduction to Business Translation (Chinese – English)Bin Liubl2076@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeCHIN 31700LanguageCommunity Interpreting and Sight Translation, Chinese – EnglishJianhang Maijm9795@hunter.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Hunter CollegeTRNC 75100TeachingMarket Strategies & Critical Perspectives for Chinese
John Jay CollegeCHI 201LanguageIntermediate Chinese I Yen-Ling Yehyyeh@jjay.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
John Jay CollegeGEN 364SociologyHistory of Gender and Sexuality: Prehistory to 1650 Nazanin SullivanRegular Liberal Arts
John Jay CollegeHIS 203Culture and HistoryThe Ancient World Fred Bilenkisfbilenkis@jjay.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
John Jay CollegeHIS 203Culture and HistoryThe Ancient World Stephen Russellsrussell@jjay.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
John Jay CollegeHIS 204Culture and HistoryThe Medieval World Margaret Bostwickmbostwick@jjay.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
John Jay CollegeHIS 204Culture and HistoryThe Medieval World Fred Bilenkisfbilenkis@jjay.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
John Jay CollegeHIS 352Culture and HistoryHistory and Justice in the Wider World James Delorenzijdelorenzi@jjay.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
John Jay CollegeHIS 352Culture and HistoryHistory and Justice in the Wider World Isaac Malkiimalki@jjay.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
John Jay CollegeHIS 364Culture and HistoryHistory of Gender and Sexuality: Prehistory to 1650 Nazanin SullivanRegular Liberal Arts
John Jay CollegeLIT 230LiteratureAncient Literature: Expressions of the Living Past Flexible Core - Creative Expression
John Jay CollegeCHI 101LanguageElementary Chinese IYen-Ling Yehyyeh@jjay.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
John Jay CollegeCHI 102LanguageElementary Chinese IIYen-Ling Yehyyeh@jjay.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
John Jay CollegeSOC 351SociologyCrime and Delinquency in Asia Itena Dhramiitena.dhrami@jjay.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
John Jay CollegeANT 339AnthropologyAsian American Identity and Struggles for JusticeTomoki BirkettRegular Liberal Arts
John Jay CollegeANT 229AnthropologyGlobal Asian Popular CultureAnru Leealee@jjay.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
John Jay CollegeHIS 106SociologyHistorical Perspectives on Justice and Inequality Matthew Perrymperry@jjay.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
John Jay CollegeHIS 106SociologyHistorical Perspectives on Justice and Inequality Gregory Umbachgumbach@jjay.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
John Jay CollegeHIS 106SociologyHistorical Perspectives on Justice and Inequality Elizabeth Hoveyehovey@jjay.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
John Jay CollegeHIS 202Culture and HistoryUnited States History since 1865 Elizabeth Hoveyehovey@jjay.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
John Jay CollegeHIS 202Culture and HistoryUnited States History since 1865 John Sternfjstern@optonline.netRegular Liberal Arts
John Jay CollegeHIS 205Culture and HistoryThe Modern World Diana Mooredmoore@jjay.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
John Jay CollegeHIS 208Culture and HistoryExploring Global History Diana Mooredmoore@jjay.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
John Jay CollegeHIS 208Culture and HistoryExploring Global History Margaret Bostwick mbostwick@jjay.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
John Jay CollegeHIS 330Culture and HistoryHistory of the Cold War, 1945James Delorenzijdelorenzi@jjay.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
John Jay CollegeHIS 330Culture and HistoryHistory of the Cold War, 1945Isaac Malkiimalki@jjay.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
John Jay CollegeHJS 310LawComparative Perspectives on Justice Stephen Russellsrussell@jjay.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
John Jay CollegeHJS 310LawComparative Perspectives on Justice Toy Fung Tungttung@jjay.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
John Jay CollegeHON 201SociologyCritical Perspectives on the Common Good Evan Manderyemandery@jjay.cuny.eduFlexible Core - Individual and Society
John Jay CollegeHON 201SociologyCritical Perspectives on the Common Good Amie Macdonaldamacdonald@jjay.cuny.eduFlexible Core - Individual and Society
John Jay CollegeHON 201SociologyCritical Perspectives on the Common Good Sergio Gallegos Ordoricasgallegos@jjay.cuny.eduFlexible Core - Individual and Society
John Jay CollegeHON 201SociologyCritical Perspectives on the Common Good David WillsFlexible Core - Individual and Society
John Jay CollegePHI 317PhilosophyPhilosophy of Law in Global Perspective Justine Borerjustine@borerlawmed.comRegular Liberal Arts
John Jay CollegePHI 317PhilosophyPhilosophy of Law in Global Perspective Dwight Murphdmurph@jjay.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
John Jay CollegePHI 317PhilosophyPhilosophy of Law in Global Perspective Genevieve LaForgeglaforge@jjay.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
John Jay CollegePHI 317PhilosophyPhilosophy of Law in Global Perspective Catherine Kemp ckemp@jjay.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Kingsborough CCCHI 100LanguageElementary Chinese IShenghu WangShenghu.Wang@kbcc.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Kingsborough CCCHI 200LanguageElementary Chinese IIShenghu WangShenghu.Wang@kbcc.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Kingsborough CCART 2400ArtGlobal Contemporary Art: Diversities and New Expressions Midori YamamuraMidori.Yamamura@kbcc.cuny.eduFlexible Core - Creative Expression
Kingsborough CCPHI 7000PhilosophyIntroduction to Philosophical Problems Rick RepettiRick.Repetti@kbcc.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
LaGuardia CCSSH 105Culture and HistoryWorld History I Robin Kietlinskirkietlinski@lagcc.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
LaGuardia CCSSH 105Culture and HistoryWorld History I Jonas Abramson Flexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
LaGuardia CCSSH 106Culture and HistoryWorld History I Rebecca Tallyrtally@lagcc.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
LaGuardia CCSSH 110Culture and HistoryEast Asian Civilization and Societies Robin Kietlinskirkietlinski@lagcc.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
LaGuardia CCELC 201LiteratureModern Chinese LiteratureFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
LaGuardia CCELC 101LanguageElementary Modern Chinese IFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
LaGuardia CCLIB 105SociologyIntroduction to Ethnic StudiesAllia Abdullah-Mattaamatta@lagcc.cuny.eduFlexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity
LaGuardia CCENG 295LiteratureWorld Literatures Written in English Anita Bakshabaksh@lagcc.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
LaGuardia CCHUM 109MusicWorld Music Flexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
LaGuardia CCHUT 210Cinema and TheaterTheatre: PreFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
LaGuardia CCSSN 183SociologyHistory of Minorities Timothy Coogantcoogan@lagcc.cuny.eduFlexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity
Lehman CollegeANT 251AnthropologyPeoples And CulturesStephane Ruppstephanie.rupp@lehman.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Lehman CollegeHIS 240Culture and HistoryEast Asian Civilization William Wooldridgewilliam.wooldridge@lehman.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Lehman CollegeIDW 213LiteratureClassics of the Asian World
Lehman CollegeCHI 301LanguageAdvanced Chinese IAsako Tochikaasako.tochika@lehman.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Lehman CollegeCHI 111LanguageElementary Chinese IAsako Tochikaasako.tochika@lehman.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Lehman CollegeCHI 201LanguageIntermediate Chinese IAsako Tochikaasako.tochika@lehman.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Lehman CollegePOL 240Political ScienceInternational PoliticsTomohisa Hattoritomohisa.hattori@lehman.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Lehman CollegePOL 241Political ScienceGlobalizationJeannette Graulaujeannette.graulau@lehman.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Lehman CollegePOL 366Political ScienceGlobal Political EconomyTomohisa Hattoritomohisa.hattori@lehman.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Lehman CollegePOL 368Political ScienceGlobal Environmental PoliticsJeannette Graulaujeannette.graulau@lehman.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Medgar Evers CollegeCHIL 101LanguageChinese (Mandarin) Beginner I LaboratorySu-Ling HuangFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Medgar Evers CollegeCHIN 101LanguageChinese (Mandarin) Beginner ISu-Ling HuangFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Medgar Evers CollegeENGL 212LiteratureMasterpiece of World Literature Anna Katsnelsonakatsnelson@mec.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Medgar Evers CollegeENGL 212LiteratureMasterpiece of World Literature Joanna Sitjsit@mec.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Medgar Evers CollegeENGL 212LiteratureMasterpiece of World Literature Philip Beitchmanbeitchman@mec.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Medgar Evers CollegeENGL 212LiteratureMasterpiece of World Literature Thaddeus Rutkowskitruthkowski@mec.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Medgar Evers CollegeENGL 212LiteratureMasterpiece of World Literature Hyo Kimhkim@mec.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Medgar Evers CollegeENGL 212LiteratureMasterpiece of World Literature Keming Liukliu@mec.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Medgar Evers CollegeENGL 212LiteratureMasterpiece of World Literature Augustine Okerekeaugokereke@mec.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Medgar Evers CollegeENGL 212LiteratureMasterpiece of World Literature Thomas Carlisletcarlisle@mec.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Medgar Evers CollegeENGL 212LiteratureMasterpiece of World Literature Carlyle Thompsoncarlyle@mec.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Medgar Evers CollegeENGL 212LiteratureMasterpiece of World Literature Carina Pasquesicpasquesi@mec.cny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Medgar Evers CollegeHIST 101Culture and HistoryWorld Civilizations ITheodore Andrewstandrews@mec.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Medgar Evers CollegeHIST 101Culture and HistoryWorld Civilizations ITheodore Andrewstandrews@mec.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Medgar Evers CollegePOL 410Political SciencePolitics of Developing NationsKen Irish-Brambleken@mec.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Medgar Evers CollegeSW 323SociologySoc Wk Diveres Popl Franzeska
Medgar Evers CollegeSW 323SociologySoc Wk Diveres Popl Jose Rodriguez
NYC College of TechnologyMUS 1212MusicIntroduction to World Music James Schleferjames@nyoraku.comFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
NYC College of TechnologyMUS 1212MusicIntroduction to World Music Randall WoolfFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
NYC College of TechnologyARTH 1108ArtArt of Asia Zhijian QianZQian@citytech.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
NYC College of TechnologyCHN 2201LanguageIntermed Chinese IFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
NYC College of TechnologyCHN 1101LanguageElementary Chinese IFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
NYC College of TechnologyCHN 1102LanguageElementary Chinese IIFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
NYC College of TechnologyENG 2250LiteratureIntroduction to Asian American Literature and CultureJuanita ButJBut@citytech.cuny.eduFlexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity
NYC College of TechnologyAFR 1502SociologyThe Sociology of Urban Poverty Karl BotchwayKBotchway @citytech.cuny.eduFlexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity
NYC College of TechnologyAFR 2402IDSociologyThe Heritage of Imperialism
NYC College of TechnologyANTH 1101AnthropologyIntroductory Anthropology Scott SchwartzFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
NYC College of TechnologyANTH 1101AnthropologyIntroductory Anthropology Anna NganaFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Queens CollegeARTH 114ArtSurvey of Asian Art Lawrence Waldronlawrence.waldron@qc.cuny.eduFlexible Core - Creative Expression
Queens CollegeCMLIT 220WLiteratureEast Literature 1 Joshua Rogers Liberal Arts
Queens CollegeEAST 230Culture and HistoryEast Asian Civilization I Serinity Youngsyoung@qc.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Queens CollegeEAST 250CinemaModern Chinese Fiction TransNan Hartmannnhartmann@ccny.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Queens CollegeEAST 380Culture and HistoryEast Asian StudiesYunzhong Shuyunzhong.shu@qc.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Queens CollegeECON 207EconomicsComparative Economic and Financial Systems Regular Liberal Arts
Queens CollegeECON 204EconomicsInternational Political EconomyMathew Bradburymathew.bradbury@qc.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Queens CollegePHIL 118PhilosophyIntroduction to Eastern Philosophy Abigail Doukhanabigail.doukhan@qc.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Queens CollegeRLGST 102Culture and HistoryIntroduction to Eastern Religions Serinity Young syoung@qc.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Queens CollegeCHIN 320CinemaChinese DramaNan Hartmannnhartmann@ccny.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Queens CollegeCHIN 330LiteratureThe Chinese EssayWen-shan Shih wenshan.shih@qc.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Queens CollegeCHIN 350CinemaVT: Chinese FictionWen-shan Shih wenshan.shih@qc.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Queens CollegeEAST 250CinemaModern Chinese Fiction in Translation
Queens CollegeCHIN 101LanguageElementary Chinese ILi Malma@qc.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Queens CollegeCHIN 101LanguageElementary Chinese IXiao Liberal Arts
Queens CollegeCHIN 112LanguageElementary Chinese for Heritage Learners
Queens CollegeCHIN 360LanguageTraditional Chinese LiteratureGopal Sukhugopal.sukhu@qc.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Queens CollegeCHIN 203LanguageIntermediate Chinese ILi Malma@qc.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Queens CollegeEAST 253CinemaContemporary Chinese Film
Queens CollegeCHIN 340Culture and HistoryReadings from Chinese HistoryGopal Sukhugopal.sukhu@qc.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Queens CollegeCHIN 318LanguageIntroduction to Applied Chinese LinguisticsXiao Liberal Arts
Queens CollegeCHIN 250LanguageIntroduction to Classical Chinese IGopal Sukhugopal.sukhu@qc.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Queens CollegeCMAL 101WCulture and HistoryCultural Studies: The Short Poem Geoffrey Nuttergeoffrey.nutter@qc.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Queens CollegeAACS 220MigrationAsian American Communities: Culture, Power, and AgencyMadhulika Khandelwalmadhulika.khandelwal@qc.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Queens CollegeENGL 369LiteratureAsian American LiteratureSeo-Young Chuseoyoung.chu1@qc.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Queens CollegeENGL 733LiteratureAsian American Literature
Queens CollegeEAST 130WCulture and HistoryEast Asian ReligionSerinity Youngsyoung@qc.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Queens CollegePSCI 238Political ScienceContemporary AsiaYan Sun yan.sun@qc.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Queens CollegePSCI 262Political ScienceUnited States Foreign Policy]Peter Liebermanpeter.liberman@qc.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Queens CollegeEAST 380Culture and HistoryResearch Seminar in East Asian StudiesYunzhong Shuyunzhong.shu@qc.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Queens CollegeHTH 240Culture and HistoryModern Eras Lori Yamatolori.yamato@qc.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Queens CollegePSCI 230Political SciencePolitics of Development Jorge Alvesjorge.alves@qc.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
Queens CollegeURBST 216MigrationImmigration in Metropolitan New York Steven RagaRegular Liberal Arts
Queensborough CCHIST 110Culture and HistoryIntroduction to Ancient Civilization Stephanie RostSRost@qcc.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Queensborough CCHIST 110Culture and HistoryIntroduction to Ancient Civilization Helmut LoefflerHLoeffler@qcc.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Queensborough CCHIST 110Culture and HistoryIntroduction to Ancient Civilization Gilmar VisoniGVisoni@qcc.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Queensborough CCHIST 133Culture and HistoryIntroduction to Modern East Asian Civilization Flexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Queensborough CCHIST 244Culture and HistoryModern Economic HistoryEdmund ClinganEClingan@qcc.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Queensborough CCHIST 292Culture and HistoryFascism, Nazism, and Communism.
Queensborough CCLC 312LiteratureChinese Short StoriesFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
Queensborough CCLC 111LanguageElementary Chinese IRegular Liberal Arts
Queensborough CCLC 112LanguageElementary Chinese IIRegular Liberal Arts
Queensborough CCLC 213LanguageIntermediate Chinese IRegular Liberal Arts
Queensborough CCLC 311LanguageReadings In Contemporary Chinese LiteratureRegular Liberal Arts
York CollegeCHIN 101LanguageElementary Chinese IQingliu Liqli@york.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
York CollegeCHIN 102LanguageElementary Chinese IIQingliu Liqli@york.cuny.eduRegular Liberal Arts
York CollegeANTH 270AnthropologyIntroduction to Ethnomusicology Abimbola Kai-Lewisakailewis@york.cuny.eduFlexible Core - Creative Expression
York CollegeHIST 100Culture and HistoryHistory of the Modern World Since 1815 Victor LaneFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
York CollegeHIST 100Culture and HistoryHistory of the Modern World Since 1815 Jean Richard Severinjseverin1@york.cuny.eduFlexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues
York CollegeHIST 108Culture and HistoryThe Three Worlds: Europe, the Americas and the Third World in Modern Times Flexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues